Author: addalabadmin

  • Using HUGETABLE in oracle and “ORA-27125: unable to create shared memory segment”

    Using HUGETABLE in oracle and “ORA-27125: unable to create shared memory segment” On SLES9 hugetlb is enable by default and it could cause you problems.A good resource to resolve this kind of issue can be found here: However on oracle9i if you wish to use this feature (without the DISABLE_HUGETLBFS=1 trick) you will need patch…

  • Connecting Oracle to sql server

    Connect Oracle to another DB This document will cover the use of Generic Connectivity which permits to connect oracle to a generic DB.The main requirement is the availability of an odbc driver. It is quite easy to find an ODBC on a windows system, not so much on a unix. Connecting to a sqlserver 2000…

  • Connecting Oracle to DB2

    Connect Oracle to another DB This document describe one of the most troublesome configuration I have ever set up.It took me almost two days to figure out how to properly set everything to make it works so I’m writing this documentation to spare a headache to other sysadmins/DBA who wish to achieve the same. I…

  • Connect Oracle to another DB

    Generic Connectivity permits oracle to communicate and exchange data with other vendor databases such as DB2, Sql Server, MySQL, ecc.

  • Oracle Myths for Unix Sysadmins

    Just a couple of myths (or discussions) that needs to be checked

  • Authenticate yourself with certificates

    Authentication via X.509 certificates Starting from the previous document  I’m going to describe a more complex configuration.Basically I’m adding a certification authority (faked by a third oracle wallet) to sign the client and server X509 certificates. I’m even introducing more complex DNs. Still the configuration is textual only (I’m still stuck to command line and…

  • Oracle Advance security

    This section started by chance but it is becoming a series in fast speed.I hope to add in a day or two a couple of papers on how to extend the authentication with certificates to Oracle Application Server, websphere and in general any application using jdbc. I really wish to thank Maxim Demenko for helping…

  • Getting rid of the ASMlib without reinstalling your cluster

    Scope of the document Personally I’m not fond of the ASMlib. In the past I was always able to perform my RAC installation without using them. However, recently, I installed an oracle clusterware on Redhat. With very few time at my disposal I wasn’t able to find a good solution on how not to use…

  • Progetti Editoriali

    Un nuovo progetto si aggiunge alla lista: PrezziProdotti cioè un comparatore di prezzi incentrato sui prodotti dell’elettronica. Cos’ha di diverso rispetto agli altri? La possibilità di confrontare anche i prezzi dei negozi e non solo quello degli e-commerce online. Questo permette di decidere se acquistare quello che si desidera anche in un negozio nelle vicinanze.…

  • Oracle on Suse

    The title  “Oracle on Suse” can be misleading. This section is a collection of the documents I wrote on the topic: Oracle. My testing operating system was Suse at that time. Probably, in the next future, you are going to see some new document based on Ubuntu (which is not oracle supported) or RedHat. I…